PremierWave/Timesys Programmers Guide

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This guide introduces developers to the support for customizing the Linux system on the Lantronix line of embedded and ready-to-deploy Intelligent Gateway products. It describes how to compile, load, and run custom programs on Lantronix devices, modify the Linux kernel to load custom drivers, and create images to deploy to your device.

Supported Lantronix Products

The following Lantronix products can be customized using the Linux Timesys development environment.

Getting Started

Setup a Linux host

To compile custom programs and create the image for the PremierWave devices, you will need a computer running Linux. You can setup a computer to boot into Linux, or use a virtual environment such as VMWare Player or VirtualBox to run the Linux operating system as a Guest Operating System. Lantronix has tested recent version of the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

Sign into Timesys and create your first image

Sign up for Timesys LinuxLink account [1]

Click on Build BSP/SDK and then Create a Project. Give your project a name, select your PremierWave

product (EN or XN) as the Board.

Then click on Create a Workorder, give it a name, and click Next. Keep the

defaults for kernel and libc (keep clicking Next). When you get to the Packages

page, expand Networking and select the package boa. Expand System and

select ltrx-rfs-base and ltrx-fwupgrade. Click Next.

Leave the defaults for Build Options and click Next, then click Build.